I know I mentioned my heels, and the blonde, and the dancing and all that from this weekend... what I didn't mention, is that it was also SPRING CLEANING.
Aside from two house parties, moving furniture in another town, and a family brunch in still another town, I managed to...
Aside from two house parties, moving furniture in another town, and a family brunch in still another town, I managed to...
- Clean the inside and outside of my dance temple windows (there are a lot of them, they are double-paned, and they are tall enough to require me hauling a heavy wooden ladder through a bunch of bushes)
- Hung curtains
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Cleaned the bathroom
- Swept and mopped floors of each
- Reorganized the basement
- Reorganized the garage (the part I could physically get to)
- Weeded the yard
- Dug up a garden and planted enough greens to feed....