Yesterday, as I do every day, I spent half an hour on the elliptical machine. I don't usually count that as my 30 minutes of movement, because it's just another Part of the Daily Routine, like showering or farting. I'd like to say that my performance at the Mad Marquis' Hump Day Happy Hour Sip n' Strip counted as my 30 minutes of movement, but honestly it was probably about 8 minutes of movement total. The rest of the evening was spent on a short walk to the grocery store, spray painting magnets for a giant madlib, trying not to freak out about all the things going wrong with said madlib project, eating dinner, and falling asleep immediately.
So... not my proudest 30 minutes, but I think I get credit! Tonight I'll be performing at 1st Thursday's Cloud City Circus show at the Analog, but I will ALSO do my elliptical, and ALSO do some conditioning... because these abs are more like flimsy sheet metal than steel, and they need constant reshaping.
So... not my proudest 30 minutes, but I think I get credit! Tonight I'll be performing at 1st Thursday's Cloud City Circus show at the Analog, but I will ALSO do my elliptical, and ALSO do some conditioning... because these abs are more like flimsy sheet metal than steel, and they need constant reshaping.