I've been counselled to fill the list 70%, to leave room for the additional goals I'll dream up within the next 1,001 days. Seems like a great idea, as these ideas have been streaming in steadily since I got the "assignment" on my to-do list.
I've got a few things on the list that require group participation, like leading one group challenge every year (or rather, to "lead 3 challenges"). Putting on my Leader of Enthusiastic Inspiration really does instill some innate personal motivation, and dreaming up the ideas for these challenges is inspiring and motivating all on its own... not to mention that I learn a lot about other people as well as myself through the course of the month-long festivities.
So here's my list. I intend to already have a couple items crossed off by the end of this weekend... but I want to think on what monthly challenge to take up on Sunday to start things off!
I've got a few things on the list that require group participation, like leading one group challenge every year (or rather, to "lead 3 challenges"). Putting on my Leader of Enthusiastic Inspiration really does instill some innate personal motivation, and dreaming up the ideas for these challenges is inspiring and motivating all on its own... not to mention that I learn a lot about other people as well as myself through the course of the month-long festivities.
So here's my list. I intend to already have a couple items crossed off by the end of this weekend... but I want to think on what monthly challenge to take up on Sunday to start things off!