Thank you, Martin Luther King, Jr., for many things - not the least of which, the day off.
My service was to my mom, who joined me for coffee this morning. My dad, who joined me for coffee and a pedicure this afternoon. For dad's friends' conversation, for mom's interest in learning about my upcoming trip to Nicaragua. For Kim, who came over and learned some more bellydance and larnt me fitness with some big ol' balls. And a lot of service has gone to myself, and to Ross and Goodwill Bins for providing me with some much-needed moments of respite from being a sad sad panda.
Two weeks sans partner!
I did my 1.5 hrs bellydance::fitness instruction, and though I'm not as chipper as I could be, I feel damn fine in the nearly-any-day six-pack abs area.
My service was to my mom, who joined me for coffee this morning. My dad, who joined me for coffee and a pedicure this afternoon. For dad's friends' conversation, for mom's interest in learning about my upcoming trip to Nicaragua. For Kim, who came over and learned some more bellydance and larnt me fitness with some big ol' balls. And a lot of service has gone to myself, and to Ross and Goodwill Bins for providing me with some much-needed moments of respite from being a sad sad panda.
Two weeks sans partner!
I did my 1.5 hrs bellydance::fitness instruction, and though I'm not as chipper as I could be, I feel damn fine in the nearly-any-day six-pack abs area.