Hooray! Last night I did 30 minutes of fan spinning and rehearsing for last night's gig with Cloud City Circus at the Analog Cafe in SE Portland! (...which is why I didn't have time to post my blog.) I still find that my discouraging self-talk has me by the ....horns... but there's certainly a sense of accomplishment in doing it anyway. I was inspired by this article about how monumental improvements come incrementally... with patience!
Last night I even did a 1.5 minute video of my fan spinning, though I'm unable to post it right now. It's embarassingly bad (opinions, opinions) but after seeing this video, I'm inspired to keep shooting so that I can make an excellent montage some day.
Last night I even did a 1.5 minute video of my fan spinning, though I'm unable to post it right now. It's embarassingly bad (opinions, opinions) but after seeing this video, I'm inspired to keep shooting so that I can make an excellent montage some day.
Sunday afternoon I know I'll be getting my 30 in at Muse Ecstatic Dance, DJ'd by the Melting Pot!